The Ultimate Gift is Opportunity

The Ultimate Gift is Opportunity

By | 2018-06-12T05:22:16-04:00 December 22nd, 2015|Cameroon|

Every year the Himalayan Institute looks to its friends, students and members to support a cause that is close to its mission- a cause that fulfills the commitment of karma yoga; yoga in action. We are honored to share this opportunity with you and ask that you join us today by showing your commitment and help us create a network of libraries throughout Cameroon.


The opening day of our second library in Cameroon.

Together we’ll bring rich, long-lasting change!

Less than 50% of students in Cameroon continue from secondary school to high school. Only 38% of females are enrolled in secondary school. This is important because the level of mother’s education is greatly linked to their child’s health.


We plan to turn these statistics around, and in May 2015 we launched a project called One Tribe. One Tribe seeks to bring donors and beneficiaries closer together. The One Tribe Movement has been successful thus far and we’ve raised close to $90,000. These funds will be used to create a network of libraries around Cameroon. Children will be able to have access to books, classes, and health services.

We are not done yet

We are still $60,000 away from our full goal of $150,000. As the days are counting down towards the end of our funding period, we are asking all of our friends and families for last minutes donations to tie the final ribbon around this deep and profound change we are offering to Cameroon. With your help we will initiate a lasting change to lead people to more complete and fulfilling lives in the area of education and health.