Enhancing Health

Enhancing Health

All Photos By: DJ Pierce

2019 Donors’ Appeal
Empowering Communities Globally—We ask you to join us

Social Impact: Disabling Health Disadvantages

Access to healthcare and health knowledge is unavailable for a large number of rural communities throughout the world. In Cameroon, there are approximately 22 million people. In the Northwest region, the average life expectancy is 54 years, with a majority dying of preventable communicable diseases linked to poverty and controllable lifestyle factors.

Our health education and awareness efforts were created to combat this critical issue, and are aimed at addressing this gap. We now have seen, through over 10 years of experience, that significantly increasing health education improves long-term health outcomes and daily health experiences.

Our health program provides a variety of services, such as our Mobile Health Clinics, Health Education Classes, Awareness and Outreach Programs, Health Consultations, Local Health Agents, a Pharmacy, a Laboratory, and an Herbal Demonstration Plot where all the herbs sold at the pharmacy are grown. This all-encompassing health program has influenced the lives of thousands, and due to the demand for this program, in this year alone we have successfully trained over 100 Independant Consultant Affiliates (ICAs). These ICAs will act as health professionals who can help and educate the current population about healthy living in neighboring communities.

All Photos By: DJ Pierce

This education-based model is the first of its kind in the region, if not the entire nation, offering simple yet meaningful solutions that are realistically applicable for the people of Cameroon. Through education, we are teaching the communities how to live healthier lives. Topics range from herbal medicine to hand-washing. The intention, as always, is to deliver this in a practical and sustainable manner, so that future generations will continue benefiting from this knowledge.

Additionally, with our innovative model of health and education, we are able to deliver services to the most remote locations. Therefore, some of our immediate goals include establishing more branch centers and mobile health units within neighboring communities and beyond. These branch centers ensure that communities have easier access to high-quality HIC-trained medical staff and educational resources.

Lastly, we want to emphasize the promotion of our Advanced Level Independant Consultant Affiliates (ICAs). These individuals ensure a broader range of health service delivery, and also distributes HIC’s high-quality herbal and homeopathic medicines to greater populations.

The Need

Our Health Programs continue to grow in the communities we serve, and we envision expanding deeper into the rural communities we have yet to serve. This expansion includes the continuation of our healthy lifestyle education, HIC health practitioner trainings, community mobile health visits, youth health education, and much more.

Join us!

These resources have a huge, lasting impact on the communities they serve. With ongoing support, our outreach will continue to expand throughout all of Cameroon. We ask you to join us in this life-changing work. Please donate NOW to support our social impact, as we continue to support Africa into a brighter tomorrow. Creating change is a long-term investment. The impact that your support creates NOW will continue to develop for many generations to come.

We are changing the world.

Visit our campaign here.

All Photos By: DJ Pierce