Earth Day 2020—A Call to Action for Yogis

Earth Day 2020—A Call to Action for Yogis

By | 2020-04-27T12:11:40-04:00 April 22nd, 2020|Cameroon, Fundraising and Activism, Humanitarian, Total Health Center|

“Neither assuming the clothes of a yogi nor talking about yoga bring success. Action alone is the cause of success. This is the truth, beyond any doubt.”
—Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Today marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, an annual event celebrated around the world to raise awareness of the environment and related issues.

It’s a day that reminds us of our connectedness to the ground we walk on, the water we drink, and the life forms all around us. It’s also a day that reminds us of the salient challenges and ongoing call to action that living in the era of Climate Change presents.

“Climate change represents the biggest challenge to the future of humanity and the life-support systems that make our world habitable … On Earth Day 2020, we seize all the tools and actions that we have, big and small, to change our lives and change our world, not for one day, but forever.” (Source:

A Call to Action

As yogis, we acknowledge the interconnectedness of all life forms, and we strive to create change within ourselves and in the world around us. The theme this Earth Day is Climate Action—a reminder that creating meaningful change requires us to put knowledge into action.

This Earth Day asks us to commit (or recommit) to taking positive environmental action, and to continue turning problems into opportunities for greater connection, healing, and growth.

Environmental Regeneration at HIC

Environmental Regeneration is one of the five main initiatives for the Himalayan Institute’s ongoing humanitarian projects in Cameroon. Through your ongoing support, we’re able to continue creating a positive impact on the environment in the regions we serve.

In HIC’s Total Herb Garden, local staff grows and harvests medicinal herbs—among these are ayurvedic staple herbs like brahmi, ashwagandha, and turmeric—supporting organic agriculture and crop diversity while cultivating and caring for the land. By growing these medicinal herbs locally, the Total Health Center represents a direct, energy efficient supply chain.

It is dedicated, ongoing efforts like these that truly make a difference.

Photo by: DJ Pierce

In Gratitude

The Himalayan Institute’s humanitarian initiatives in Cameroon depend upon the love and support of our donors—the progress and development we have seen over the years could not have been possible without you, and for this we are truly grateful. Together, we are creating peaceful and healthy communities throughout Cameroon.

For more information, please click here. If you would like to donate to projects like this, click here. Follow us on Facebook for frequent updates.

Photo by: DJ Pierce