
Pandit Rajmani Tigunait-Yoga In Action: Part 1: Selfless Service

In this 10 part series with Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, we will explore what it means to give selflessly, achieve acts of service without losing our energy, uplifted spirit, & positive attitude, and how cross-cultural exchange helps us to become more open, accepting, curious people. Check out Part 1 below, and begin to journey forward in [...]

Volunteer Close-Up: DJ Pierce Photographer

Just as service is a cornerstone of the Yoga tradition, volunteers are a cornerstone of our work at Himalayan Institute Cameroon. This past summer, professional photographer, art director, and all around creative guru DJ Pierce generously volunteered his time and expertise at Himalayan Institute Cameroon. Photographer DJ Pierce on the road with Himalayan Institute Cameroon [...]