Education Advocacy
Over the last decade, we have supported education for thousands of children in impoverished rural villages in the districts of Pratapgarh and Allahabad in North India. Prior to our efforts, many of these schools held all their classes outside on the ground or in dilapidated thatched huts. Students from kindergarten to 12th grade attended classes outside under the trees, and, consequently, there was no school when it rained or during very hot weather.
Educational Programs
Textbooks, notebooks, chalkboards, and even pencils were in short supply; and audiovisual aids, reference books, art supplies, and other equipment of modern classrooms were impossible dreams. Teachers held outside full-time jobs to supplement insufficient and frequently unpaid salaries, and thus often missed classes. Himalayan Institute funding enabled the schools to build new classrooms and purchase vitally needed equipment, books, and teaching supplies. Salaries for teachers ensured ongoing classes.
Tuition Scholarships
Tuition fees for schools in rural northern India, while minimal by US standards, averaging around fifty cents, are prohibitively expensive for many village children. Not surprisingly, many children dropped out long before finishing the 8th grade. Support from the Himalayan Institute provided scholarships for dozens of village students, paying for their tuition and school supplies.
Ways You Can Help
By supporting our family of projects you will help reduce poverty by addressing its root causes. We focus on total community transformation because change is not linear. Your action can provide support for people who face the harsh conditions of poverty every day.