Health Education
Cameroon is home to approximately 22 million people. In Northwest Cameroon, the average life expectancy is 54 years, with a majority dying of preventable communicable diseases linked to poverty and controllable lifestyle factors. Access to health knowledge and education is greatly lacking in the general population. Our health education classes and awareness efforts are aimed at addressing this gap in knowledge, significantly increasing health knowledge and improving long-term health outcomes. This education-based model is the first of its kind in the region, if not the entire nation, offering simple yet meaningful solutions that are realistically applicable for the people of Cameroon.
Health Classes
Health classes are taught throughout the region by our trained community health educators. These free classes are hosted by hundreds of community partner organizations and are typically attended by 50–100 individuals. Topics include basic public health, first aid, diet and nutrition, maternal and child health, men’s and women’s health, and stress and emotional health. Classes include both lecture and interactive demonstrations and are designed to be easily understood and culturally appropriate.
Awareness and Outreach
Our broad sensitization and awareness activities utilize radio, television, loudspeaker announcements, posters, marketing agents, and other print media to reach tens of thousands. The goal of our awareness efforts is to bring about large-scale change by engaging the general population and creating a culture of health. Developing partnerships with social groups, schools, local businesses, traditional leaders, and local and national government—our social infrastructure—is a key aspect of our health work. Outreach activities engage and mobilize the community, motivating people to take part in educational classes and other Total Health programs.
Community Health Educator Training
In order to offer health education classes we need a strong team of local educators. This is accomplished through Community Health Educator Training—an intensive training course and hands-on teaching internship. Upon completion, educators are prepared to share their knowledge with the community and act as local health resources.
Ways you can help
By supporting our family of projects you will help reduce poverty by addressing its root causes. We focus on total community transformation because change is not linear. Your action can provide support for people who face the harsh conditions of poverty every day.